Monday, May 11, 2015

My 20% Time Speech

For my 20% time, I decided to make my newest drawings and create a book to put them in. Even though I’m not that good at coloring, I wanted to color the drawings that I made. I may not be that good at drawing and coloring like other people, but I tried. Since drawing can be very frustrating, it took me awhile to draw and color, so I didn’t get to make a lot of drawings like I wanted to. I accomplished a lot of things like drawing my drawings, making a cover, front and back page for the book, and coloring my drawings. During my 20% time, I learned that it takes patience and time to create a drawing since I really have to erase a lot, and I learned that when I color with colored pencils, I need to first outline the drawing with coloring pencil, the start to color. Other than that, I really enjoyed drawing because I got to express my feelings in my drawing. To wrap it all up, I just really loved how patient I was and how I really used my time wisely to actually finish my drawings. I hope you like what you see

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